Sunday, September 19, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Double OverTIme
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We signed Jase up for football, we thought it would be cute and fun you know like little league. WOW were we wrong, It is is all out either your on defense or on offense and complete with special teams. I have tried to stay back and be encouraging but not over bearing. I have done good so far. He has natural hitting ability.....gee wonder where that comes from, wrestling with brothers, his daddy to name a few. His only problem is he is "Ferdinand the bull" He is working on the aggression but he still can't get over that it is ok to hit and that he wont hurt anyone.
It is awesome to go to the games on Saturday we have had a blast the last couple of weekends!!!!!!!
Meet The "DOCTOR"
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Josh took a week vacation to play with the boys while I was gone, Although his week vacation turned into working from home for a week. He still managed to do some fun and questionable activities with them.
Like teaching them how to throw tennis balls at a wasps nest

Toasting breakfast with cans of soda

Eating ice cream for lunch, not AFTER lunch but FOR it.
Somethings were a bit more normal...
And Miniature Golfing
but to give josh the appropriate credit. he did cut the boys hair and had the house completely cleaned up. You would have never guess the boys were bachelors for a week. All 3 bathroom were cleaned, every room was vaccumed (including the stairs) all landry was washed, folded and put away. I've trained him right, but just to make sure I think I should go on another trip to really test him. haha
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
New Nephew & 10 yr Reunion
- Lots of In N Out
- Yummy Mexican food
- Petes
- Splash pad and ice cream with cousins Giada and Statton
- Italian Dinner & frozen Yogurt with Scrappy Bulldog, uncle bucket, aunt shell and cousins Emerson and Ella
- Shopping and Dinner with my mom
- Dinner with the senior cheerleaders class of 2000
- The Shout house (dualing pianos) w/ mom
- Gila valley Temple dedication (broadcast)
- Family dinner w/ Mom, Aunt Mamie, Brie & Joey, Jerrae & Chris and all the cousins
- A hilarious trip with Jerrae to the post office (only took 4 trips, and 5 different boxes to finally mail boys sheets)
- Swimming with Grammy and cousins
- Snuggleing baby Conlan
- Lots of play time with cousin Grady and BrenLeigh
- Sleep over @ Scrappy and Bulldogs w/ cousin Emerson
- 10 yr High School Reunion ( thanks brie for being my date)
- Helping Brie @ her house and making dinner.
- Visiting grammy at work.
Like always we had a fun and packed trip and way to short of a vist.
Miss Varsity Waiting for the airplane.
She is the BEST traveler
This being our 8th trip her and I have taken together, i realized we don't have one picture together on the plane. Now we do!
we have never had a person sit right next to us. Being a free lap child she always ends up getting her own seat.
Baby Conlan Lincoln McKinney

Thursday, May 20, 2010
March, April, May = ArIzOnA
- March= a trip for mom and varsity to phx to see boy go through the temple. And be there for his farewell. I had already booked a flight for the last week in March thinking I would make it for boy's farewell, the temple and seeing him off at the airport. However thanks to stake conference and the temple closed for cleaning. Those plans that were already in place were going to put me in AZ after all of the permission celebrations had already taken place. So josh quickly changed my flight plans, rescheduled his business trips and sent me out earlier.
- April= a trip for mom and varsity to Phx. Grandma dots passed away unexpectedly and thanks so my amazing husband and some quick help from my aunt Lois and uncle Dave. I was able to book a flight and be there with my mom and sisters.
- For the first time in three yrs Jerrae, Statton (nephew) and Giada (niece) had booked flights to come out and visit us....that trip was put on hold with grandma passing away just a few days earlier. Hoping they make it out soon.
- May= a trip for mom and Varsity to meet baby conlan (new cousin/nephew) and my 10 yr high school reunion. V and Leave on Saturday. For what will be her last free lap child trip to Arizona now we'll have to purchase 2 tickets because she is my little travel buddy and I can't imagine going without her.
- Josh spent another week traveling through Pennsylvania and Baltimore meeting with customers and working more on his Modular Fire Protection buisness plans.
- More pictures to follow after this trip.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
4 Years Ago
- And after i had laid in a hospital bed only allowed to walk to the bathroom for 7weeks. Trying my best to keep them in. Contracting every night. Nightly doses of Terbutaline. A 24/7 IV of Magnesium, a new IV every four days with a least 2 attempts to nail my rolling veins, a suspicious heart murmur because of to much Terbutaline, twice a day fetal monitoring laying still so they could get a good solid hr reading, constant eating to gain the weight they wanted to see gained --never happened, pretty stretch marks, a two yr old at home and an emergency c-section. Still didn't seem like enough sacrifice when I saw them like this.....
- Kage 3 lbs 12oz
after 6 weeks for Kadin and 8 weeks for Kage. We were a family of 5 at HOME!!!