Well i guess it's time for a very long over due update.....
We signed the papers on our Brand New house the beginning of the month (June). And I love it!!!! with just about 3500 sq ft, it's a four bedroom, 2 1/2bath, Living room, Family room, morning room/dinning room, basement and a big backyard. Josh, myself and my dad have been busy moving from our rental to the new place. Our first thought was hey we have a whole month to slowly move from the townhouse over to the house... after about a week of slowly moving things we got the bug to just get it done and over with. So now with 2 weeks left in our lease we are completely moved out and the other place is ready to be turned back over. And since then the spending and begun with me. You always figure oh we'll get a few nice things for the new place and then it's like the book if you give a mouse a cookie... if you get one thing then you have to get the other to go with it, and then you might as well through this in to, we'll just see how much trouble I can get in to :) minor unpacking is still being done so pictures will be up soon when some of the clutter is gone.
Mother of the Year
some of you might have known when Kage was a baby his feet were really turned in. At every checkup I would mention it as well as with his developmental specialist (for being premature) and everyone said not to worry wait until he starts walking it'll correct it's self. Before we moved out here last year was still convinced that something was wrong so his pediatrician sent me to the orthopedic surgeon where I was told again wait until he really starts walking and his feet will straighten on their own. FINE i get it I'll wait! Well now that he has been walking for quite some time now I asked our friend who is a podiatrist what he thought? and right off he said he should be seen by the orthopedic surgeon. Long story semi short... We went in and Yep he in-toes, meaning it's a problem that needs to be fixed. And they could have done the little shoes that look like sandals on the wrong feet, but that is something they generally start before they are 1yrs old. WHAT!!! so instead we are doing serial cast. Meaning every two weeks we go to Milwaukee and they put a new set of casts, repositioning his feet to turn out a little more each time. Right now we are on the second set and Tuesday we go in for round 3. So pretty much all summer Kage will be in a cast on both legs, so much for swimming. But it's something that needed treatment.
Now for the second part....
On Wednesday I was at work when I received a call with them saying it's your dad and it sounds like something is wrong. (I'm thinking the boys locked him out of the house, or maybe someone is sick.) My dad says I'm really sorry I think Jase broke his wrist, It's really swollen already,we were at the park and he lost his grip on the monkey bars, I'm really sorry. The whole time in the back round I can hear Jase screaming and my dad is pretty paniced himself. So i tell work I've gotta go and off to get Jase I went.
I called the pediatrican and they said to come in. The doctor said it might be nurses elbow generally that happens to kids when they are hanging from something. Well when he asked Jase if we could lift up his arm and all Jase did was stare at him with this "are you stupid" face, the doctor pulled his sleeves back and said " so this is what a normal wrist looks like and this once obviously has something wrong with it. His wrist has huge and made an "S" shape. The doctor would even touch it. He said we were probably looking at anesthesia to have it corrected. He called down to the ER and then had Jase transported down there. Were they did X-rays and found that both bones in his right wrist had broke and then went backwards laying on top at an angle. So we waited a few min while they called up to Pre-op and then transported us up there. Mean while I had called Josh to let him know what was going on, and then he left work to try and make it before they took Jase back into surgery. Poor little guy was in so much pain and was so exhausted but they couldn't give him anything because of the anesthesia that they were going to be giving him. Josh made it time to spend a few min. with Jase before they took him back. The procedure to about 30min. After that we spent a few more hours there in the pediatric part making sure he was ok and coming out of it without any problems. Now Jase is in a soft splinted cast until we go back on Tuesday to make sure the bones haven't re shifted and the swelling will be down then they will decided to keep it splinted like it is or put it in a hard cast. Either way we are looking at 5-6 weeks.
Thus this is how I received my nomination for Mother of the Year, 2 of my 3 boys are in casts. I am surprised I made it this long without one of my very active little boys breaking something. And just last week when Jase went with me to get Kages cast changed he said "mom I want a cast like Kager" well he did it.
Please excuse the blury picture trying to get them to sit still and look at the camera is not an easy one. Especially after church when everyone is hungry. Since this picture was taken Jase now has a hard cast that is actually really pretty it's a dark green. When kage had his casting appoinment later that same day Jase requested that he have green casts like him.
7 months ago
It's amazing the size difference between Kage and Kadin. Hating the idea of Kage being in double casts. He looks like he's being a great sport about it.
Are you going to take any pictures of your new home?
Poor babies! I'm just waiting for our first cast or stiches moment. Congrats on the new house
ouch. a broken wrist really hurts. is his cast past his elbow?
they have probably improved their methods since then, but 38 years ago my brother (yes he is OLD) had the corrective shoes you were talking about and now because of it he has severe arthritus and no cartlatige in his hip and has to have surgery. and Steph had the casts like Kage for the same reason, but she was younger and they were mid thigh.
what about a prego update. how are you doing?
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