Sunday, December 30, 2007


" 4 "

We found a while ago I am Unexpectedly EXPECTING kiddo #4! (and as of now it is only one this time.)
he/SHE will be arriving in July.
I am still determined not to find out with this one. I want to go for the totally surprise. Hoping for the girl, and knowing I won't have anything girl I still want the Surprise. I'm not really in any better situation for a boy either. Seeing as I gave almost all of my baby toys and baby stuff to my sister for her little guy. And then sold the rest before we made the move out here. I figured I had a few more years not needing it. So I guess now I'll keep my eyes peeled for sales and baby clearance.
Anyways we are super excited!

We'd love to know who all is checking our blog out so we can keep in touch with you as well, and if you have a blog to so we can see what you're up to.


Stacy said...

That is so awesome! Congrats!

Maybe you will get a girl this time. My sis didn't find out with her 4th (after 3 boys) and got a girl. Either way babies are GREAT!

keep us updated. Happy New Year

Brittney said...

you guys are cute. I love that picture.

luke and pamela said...

Joran! number 4! that is awesome! congrats to you guys!

jenerekfamily said...

Congratulations! I am ALSO due in July - should be an exciting month for both of us. :) You already know my blog info.


Risa said...

Oh my another baby!! Joran you are brave. I have a puppy and I can barely handle him. You're a great mom and new baby will be happy to have you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a girl;-)

Brittney said...

comment anywhere you want, just glad to know people are actually reading it after so much work writing it. Took 2 hours to download all those pictures only 5 at a time and journal them.
Did Josh tell you friday night is better for us?

John + Jamie = A Delavan Family said...

Joran, I love how you put he/SHE, isn't that the truth. I wanted to find out with Johnny just in hopes of enjoying the thought of a girl for nine months. Take Care and Congrats.

Kendee said...

Congratulations!!! I am impressed that you can stand to not find out what you are having. You are amazing. I really missed you guys this Christmas. We need to get together again sometime soon!

Jodie said...

Congrats, Joran! I'm really excited for you. I hope it's a girl, too!

Koren said...

Joran I can't believe I had to hear through the grapevine for this. I'm so excited for you I'm hoping for a little Varsity! She'll have a lot of protection!

JONESIES said...

okay congratulations again! So when in July are you due? I know its never the due date but you'll have to keep me posted as it gets closer. I want to try and fly out when you have her (hopefully :-).

JONESIES said...

ha ha ha actually that usually does work, maybe he could try!!! Hope your doing well these days!!